Title: Dragon Ball Z Bio Broly 1994
Ratings: 5.9/10
Genre: Animation | Action | Fantasy
Release Date: 9 July 1994 (Japan)
Running time: 47min
Directed By: Yoshihiro Ueda
Language: Hindi
Subtitle: nil
Quality: 480p, 720p
Encoder: nil
Synopsis: In a dark lab on a distant island, Dr. Created by Colly, emerge from humanized tanks of strange colors. Collie’s employer, Mr. Jaguar, 0 “The world’s biggest fraud0 These people are planning to use to uncover, and do the madness laughing as a furry tail in a distant tank.
At Mr. Devil’s house, Android 18 is ruining his room, as he hasn’t yet paid him to throw the world tournament final, while Krilene, Tights, Goton and Maron are waiting outside. Only then, Mr. Jaguar’s cousin, Maine-Men, comes with Mr. Devil and speaks, stating that Mr. Jaguar, who was Mr. Devil’s opponent in summer camp, has requested his presence in his island laboratory to fight him. Their special fighters, and upon refusing Mr. Satan threatened to wet his bed. Mr. Devil reluctantly accepts, Android 18 with them to ensure that Mr. Devil stands by his promise. Tights and gotten stow away, are expecting a challenge.
Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, known in Japan as Dragon Ball Z Defeat the Super Warrior!! I’ll Be The Winner or by Toei’s own English title Dragon Ball Z: Attack! Super Warriors, is a 1994 Japanese animated science fiction martial arts film and the eleventh Dragon Ball Z feature film.
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