Title: Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Ratings: 5.5/10 Genre: Animation | Short | Adventure Release Date: 27 October 2017 (USA) Running time: 22min Directed By: Kevin Deters, Stevie Wermers Language: English – Hindi [Org. DTH Audio] Subtitle: English [Softcoded] Quality: 720p HD | 480p WEB-DL Encoder: TOONWORLD4ALL
Synopsis: Olaf and Sven set out on a mission to visit every household in Arendelle to find a new Christmas tradition for Elsa and Anna.
Olaf teams up with Sven on a merry mission in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Olaf’s Frozen Adventure. It’s the first holiday season since the gates reopened, and Anna and Elsa host a celebration for all of Arendelle. When the townspeople unexpectedly leave early to enjoy their individual holiday customs, the sisters realize they have no family traditions of their own. So Olaf sets out to comb the kingdom to bring home the best traditions and save this first Christmas for his friends.