27 July 2024

||Hungama TV Dub Uncensored Hindi Episodes||

[720p | Hindi Dub| WEB-DL | Uncut]


Title: (Kochikame) Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujo
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Anime
Network: Hungama TV/Disney XD (India)
Org. run: TV Series (1996–2004)
Running time: 25min
Language: Hindi [Org. TV Audio]
Subtitle: N/A
Quality: 720p HD | 480p | WEB-DL
Audio Credits: Saon [Thanks]

Synopsis: Ryoutsu, being an underpaid policeman, is always coming up with underhanded schemes in order to make a quick buck. But in the end, his plans (which are ridiculous to begin with) always go wrong and land him in big trouble with the chief.



||Download Kochikame Uncensored Episodes in Hindi Dub||

NOTE: Uncensored Episodes Have Scenes Which Were Deleted From Indian Television Broadcast. So The Uncut Scenes Have Japanese Audio. Rest Is In Hindi.

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