Title: Doraemon Nobita’s New Dinosaur 2020 Ratings: 7/10 Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy ReleaseDate: 7 August 2020 (Japan) Runningtime: 1h 50min DirectedBy: Kazuaki Imai Language: Japanese [Original] Subtitle: English [Softcoded] Quality: 720p HD | 480p BRRip Encoder: CTZ TOONS
Synopsis: Nobita, who visited the dinosaur exhibition with Suneo and his friends, finds fossils of dinosaur eggs in a fossil excavation experience. The twins of the feathered dinosaur were born with “time wrapping cloth” and covered. This is a new species (new dinosaur) not listed in the “Complete Encyclopedia of Space”. Nobita named the dual dinosaurs Q and Mu, sometimes on the advice of Dr. Dinosaur, who grew up with Doraman in Novicharasland (“Diorama set for breeding”). The two fast-growing animals gradually showed a difference, and the mark flew ugly against the slightly sliding muzzle so they could not fly.
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