Title: My Neighbor Totoro – download Ratings: 8.2/10 Genre: Animation | Family | Fantasy Release Date: 16 April 1988 (Japan) Director: Hayao Miyazaki Produced By: Studio Ghibli Running time: 1h 26min Language: Japanese – Hindi [Original] Subtitle: English [Softcoded] Quality: 720p HD | BRRip Encoder: TOONWORLD4ALL
Synopsis: When two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother, they have adventures with the wondrous forest spirits who live nearby.
In 1950s Japan, Tatsuo Kusakabe relocates himself and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, to the countryside to be closer to their mother, who is hospitalized due to long-term illness. As the girls grow acquainted with rural life, Mei encounters a small, bunny-like creature in the yard one day. Chasing it into the forest, she finds “Totoro”—a giant, mystical forest spirit whom she soon befriends. Before long, Satsuki too meets Totoro, and the two girls suddenly find their lives filled with magical adventures in nature and fantastical creatures of the woods.